June 7, 2013

Guest Post: Kathy makes hats

My mom has this thing where she.. wait for it.. makes hats. What? That's crazy. No seriously, she literally makes hats! She even makes them from clothes she finds at the thrift shop. She's saving the world one hat at a time! 
Anyway, she came for a visit this week and Tyler and I went to the university campus to take some pictures of her. You can find the tutorial here to make these hats. She's also done tutorials on pillbox hats and a wool hat. Pretty cool, right? Also, isn't she pretty? :)
Not only do I get my craftiness from her, I get my good looks from her too!
I've been thinking about what to crochet next. Anybody out there have any crocheting ideas? Or anything you want to purchase from my Etsy shop that isn't there? I would love to make you a custom order! 
Love, Liz


  1. Oh my goodness! This is a lovely post! You are both so beautiful and talented!

    Juliette Laura

  2. Hey Liz, I think that it is cool that you can make hats from tee shirts! I have never thought of that before! And just for a crocheting ideas, I think it would be cool of you made a crochet star or even a starfish and put it on a barrette! Or even some simple crochet earrings! Can't wait for your next post!

    <3 Summer

    1. Thanks Summer! Awe, a starfish barrette would be adorable!


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