August 4, 2013

Liz makes simple craft storage mason jars

Here's an easy craft for you guys: craft storage! Sprucing up storage bins or jars are a great way to spend an afternoon or recycle some old jars. I had canned some peach jam and salsa a couple of years ago, so I had some mason jars left over. You can also just buy these from a craft store if you wish. Here's how I made mine:

All I used was a couple mason jars, a scrap of pretty fabric (maybe you remember the fabric from these simple shorts), a pair of scissors, a bit of tacky glue and a little patience. First, take off the lid of the mason jar, and find a piece of fabric big enough to cover the top of the lid.
Cut a circle with an 1" bigger diameter than the lid. 
Glue the fabric to the lid.
Place glue in the inside of the outer lid (I'm not sure what this is called). 
Place the inner lid on top of the glue and wait for it to dry.
Now put a bunch of crafty supplies in your jars and screw the lids on! :)
Super easy and super quick. I whipped up these two in less than 15 minutes. Have a great week! And don't forget to enter the embroidery pattern giveaway on the blog, sponsored by Emily from Scribbles from Emily. It ends on the seventh so go enter right now if you haven't already!


  1. Love this! They are so so cute! I'm going to have to make a few! And I love the fabric you used. And about the lid, it's actually just called a lid! The thing you screw on it is called the band. I have an obsession with mason jars hehe!(I actually made something similar to this (but the top is a pincushion) that I'll probably post next week.)

    xo, Juliette Laura

    1. Thank you Juliette! :) Definitely do it, and thank you for the mason jar lesson! :D

  2. Very cute :) You've inspired me to try and make so clothes using my new sewing machine that I have not yet touched! I may have to ask you some questions since you're such an expert! :)

  3. yep, these are cute sweet and simple, just what I've needed after a huge crafting spree!

    <3 summer

  4. oooh i love this really cute! they look like you made homemade jam in those jars :)

    1. Thanks so much! Of course my mom helped. ;)


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