February 24, 2013

Liz makes a braided infinity scarf

 Today I crocheted an infinity scarf. I didn't include a pattern, because let's be honest, I don't follow patterns. I am seriously considering making some kind of e-book or e-course to show how I make all of my crocheted items, though. What do you think about that?
I'll figure out a pattern some day! Do you like it? Basically, I crocheted three long skinny scarves, then braided them and tied the ends. It's a little more complicated than that, but it didn't take too long to make.
I'm thinking about making a shorter one and maybe even a longer one that I can double up. It used quite a bit of yarn up, but I have my hands full with all kinds of different yarn, so I don't think I'll stop making them any time soon. Have a great week!
Love, Liz

Ps, If you've ever made an e-book or e-course and would like to give advice, please let me know. I'm really curious as to how difficult it would be. 


  1. hello darlin,
    Making an e-book is such a good idea! You have so many great things to share and an amazing talent, you really should. When I was working to launch my blog I used a site called 'Blogging with Amy' and she also has a guide to e-books.


    It's super easy to understand!
    check it out!
    Juliette Laura

    1. Thank you Juliette! She's really helpful. :)

  2. I just wanted to let you know you won the All Heart Award on Our Beauty Philosophy. You can find the post here: http://www.ourbeautyphilosophy.com/2013/02/8-blogs-that-won-all-heart-blogger-award.html

  3. Oh, I would love to read your book! I already imagine the well explained tutorials and the pictures! ♥

    Have a nice week,

  4. Thanks Patricia!
    I think I would focus it on crocheting, which is quite boring to some, so I'm not sure how well that will go over.


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