June 21, 2013

What I'm reading this summer

If you didn't know already, I'm a huge book nerd. I've read quite a few books already this summer. Mostly, I've stuck with cute, quirky, murder mysteries. The one I'm reading right now is called Murder by Manicure. It sounds super silly, and it totally is, but it's an easy read and I'm really enjoying it!

Murder by Manicure is in a series by Nancy Cohen called Bad Hair Day Mysteries. The first in the series is Permed to Death, which is in the picture above. They're not as funny as what I usually read, but they're definitely cute. There's also a little romance, which I enjoy. 

The next book I'm going to talk about is Ready or Not by Meg Cabot. It's not a mystery, but it sure is funny. It's actually a little juvenile for my taste, but I did enjoy reading it. It's second in the American Girl series.

The Chocolate Castle Clue is a book I finished a couple of days ago. I read it in a matter of hours, because it was so hard to put down. It was also a murder mystery, part of the Chocoholic Mysteries series, but what was different about this book, is that there were two murders: one of them being 45 years in the past. It was great! It's totally my favorite book of the summer & it's also part of a series. Can't wait to read the rest!

The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things is a cute book by Carolyn Mackler. Again, this one is a little juvenile for my taste, but it deals with some pretty hard issues, like date-rape, being overweight, family issues, etc. It was a really good read, and I would recommend it to anyone.

Size 12 and Ready to Rock is the fourth book of the Heather Wells mysteries by, once again, Meg Cabot. I really enjoyed the first three (Size 12 is not Fat, Size 14 isn't Fat Either and Big Boned) and this book was no exception. The main character (Heather Wells) is so caught up in solving mysteries, is she willing to risk her relationship and even her life..? The answer is yes. 
Besides Murder by Manicure, I also picked up four more books from the library the other day. I hope to read them in the coming week so I can get my hands on another Chocoholic Mystery (The Chocolate Castle Clue was the only one at the library)!

What are you reading this summer? Do you have any recommendations for me? I would love to hear your opinions and recommendations in the comments!

Oh, and by the way, happy first day of summer!


  1. i kind of want to read murder by manicure! it would go great with my nail blog :-P

    1. You have a nail blog?! Goodness, I'll check it out right now. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. I haven't read any of those! But I adore reading. My list; So far this summer I've read Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Breakfast at Tiffany's. I recommend both! Up next, The Host, Schindler's List, and The Beautiful and Damned! Have you read any of those? How did you like them?

    ALSO; Your eyebrow comment on my blog. Absolutely made my day. They used to be a huge insecurity of mine and now I put ore maintenance into those babies than anything else. So you acknowledging them, made me SO happy, so thank ya for that.

    Juliette Laura

    1. I started reading The Host once, but I couldn't stand it. You might feel differently about it. I haven't read Perks, but I really want to!

      And you're so welcome. :)

  3. I think you would like Inkheart:) And Jane Eyre I don't if you already read it. Great summer list!
    Sofia G

    1. Thank you for the recommendation, Sofia! :)

  4. wow! i haven't read any of these books but I have some ideas now :P


    1. Great! I'm half way finished with Murder by Manicure, and it's fantastic! :)


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