January 1, 2014

Liz makes a crocheted cowl

Guys, I've been blogging for a whole year today! Oh my goodness!
Yesterday I learned a new crochet stitch! It's called a cluster stitch. It's very similar to a granny stitch (like when you're making granny squares) but instead of three double crochets, it's more like one giant double crochet (which is the cluster stitch). I think it looks awesome and it certainly made for a warm infinity scarf/cowl. 

I decided to sell it on my Etsy shop, Essential Handmades, even though I don't want to give it up. It might be the coolest thing I think I've ever crocheted! In order to make a cluster stitch, all you have to do is:
yarn over, insert hook in your desired stitch, yarn over, draw through the stitch, and repeat that three times so you have seven loops on your crochet hook. After that, you yarn over and pull through all seven loops at once.
I think it turned out great. And thanks to Tyler for taking these fantastic pictures for me. What a great boyfriend. 
Feel free to check out the crocheted cowl on Etsy along with all of the other things I have for sale.
Oh, and Happy New Year everybody!


  1. That scarf is the prittiest! I really like the bright color of it) Those photographs are adorable as well)
    Happy new year! Wishing you all best this year and more blessings and opportunities to come! :)

    1. Thanks Alexandra! Happy new year to you as well!

  2. Amazing photos! Love your eyes! The scarf is really pretty! <3



  3. This is a great way to start off the year!!!
    I'd love to see what other stitches you can do!!!!

    <3 summer

    1. Thanks Summer! I don't know too many except for chain, slip, single, double, half-double, treble and now this cluster stitch. There are so many out there!

  4. happy blogaversary! this looks so warm, cozy and cute!

  5. This looks so cozy! Congratulations on one year of blogging! :D


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