August 31, 2013

Liz makes a child's superhero cape

Hey there! A friend of mine is throwing a superhero birthday party for her two nephews in September and she asked me to make them and her little niece some capes. Of course, I said I would, because how fun is that?! I made them as simple as I could, but I'm still going to add the first letter of their names to each cape before I give them to the kids. Awesome right? Here's how I did it:

For the little girl, my friend chose purple. Since the girl is only two years old, I thought 3/4 of a yard would do. But no matter how big you want them, you'll need two big rectangles of fabric and one piece of fabric that's about 4-5" in width, but longer than the width of the rectangle pieces.
Pin the rectangles to each other. Also, go ahead and fold the skinny rectangle in half and pin. Set that aside; you'll use it later.
Sew in the shape of a U, leaving the top of the rectangle completely open. Clip your corners.
Turn inside out. It will look kind of like a pillow case. Now make a casing. To do this, just fold over 1/2", then fold over again about 3". Pin and sew.
Now sew your skinny rectangle, leaving 1/8" seam allowance. Turn inside out. Now flip in your raw edges, and pin a 4" piece of velcro on top. Pin the other side of the velcro on the opposite side of the skinny rectangle.
Now sew! This should be long enough to easily (and loosely) go around the child's neck.
Place the skinny rectangle piece through the casing of the cape. You're done! How easy was that?! I bet you could also do this with an old pillow case, as long as you had fabric for the velcro part. Easy peasey.
I hope everyone has a fantastic three-day weekend! :)


  1. I'm doing this but with the batman logo on it!
    This is simple and easy to make for multiple of my cousins! Thanks!

    <3 Summer

  2. So cute! Very impressive!

    xo, Juliette Laura


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