May 27, 2013

Liz makes home state wall art

Yesterday I made this cute wall art using only an embroidery hoop, some fabric, a few sheets of felt, scissors and a needle and thread. It turned out way better than I thought it would! I love how simple it is. Here's how I made it:

Grab your embroidery hoop and cut fabric a little bigger than what you need and place in the hoop very tightly.
Now trace a map of your home state (mine of course being the wonderful state of New Mexico) and cut it out. Pin it to some felt and cut.
Now pin it to the fabric in your hoop and start sewing using an overcast stitch. 
If you want to place a heart over your hometown or the town you live in or whatever, it's very easy to do. Cut out a heart from a sheet of felt that's a different color from your state.
Pin the heart over the part of the state of your choosing (mine was over good ol' Albuquerque) and sew!
Pretty! I decided to sew the heart to the state using white thread, which contrasted nicely I think. Here's the finished project next to my BRAND NEW DRESS FORM! Oh yeah, I'm so excited. Can you tell?
Well I hope you liked this simple project. Here in a few days, I'll probably be posting some crochet projects. I've been crocheting like a maniac for these past couple of days!
Have a great week!
Love, Liz


  1. This is absolutely adorable! Great idea, Liz!

    1. Thanks Emily! If you try it, let me know how it turns out!

  2. i lvoe this! i have seen things like this on pinterest using maps and stuff and i love it! my boyfriend and i are from 2 different states, and we are soon moving in together to a third state, and i really want to do this on our wall with all 3 states.

    1. Great! Yeah, I thought about doing things with maps, but maps are kind of expensive! Unless you printed one out I guess.. Anyway, I thought of doing a little running stitch from where we were from (the SE corner) to where we are now.. But I didn't know how to do it exactly.

  3. Oh this is so so cute! I would totally do this. Seems simple enough!

    Juliette Laura

    1. Thank you Juliette! Yeah, it was super easy to make!


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