July 10, 2013

Liz makes a crocheted soap pouch

Have you ever had a loofah that's just shredded apart in a matter of months? Because that's how my boyfriend's loofah is. I decided to crochet him a soap pouch. Basically, it's like a loofah but better because the soap is already in it. Here's how you can crochet one too:

First you'll need to chain as many stitches as twice as wide as the soap you'll put inside of it later. Use whatever yarn and/or hook you'd like as it doesn't really matter for this pattern. Slip stitch to join and make a circle.
Chain one stitch and double crochet all around. Slip stitch to join the circle.
Do that until it's big enough for your soap, making sure to join every round with a slip stitch. (PS, this is handmade soap via my mom; she's so cool!)
Now instead of going in rounds again, you're going to double crochet back and forth until you have a nice little flap. After that, you'll want to single crochet the bottom closed.
Now you can sew where the red dotted lines are on the flap to the actual pouch. That way the soap won't fall out!
And now you're done! Pretty easy, yeah?
Have a great week.


  1. This is so perfect! I sooo need to learn to crochet...

    Juliette Laura

    1. Crocheting is really fun and easy once you get the hang of it. Definitely try it!

  2. Cute! My friend's mom made me a kitted soap holder a few months back, But since I can't knit very well, I guess that I will have to make this one!

    <3 SUMMER

    1. Yeah, originally I was going to sew one from a dishcloth, but I thought this would be better. :) Let me know how it goes!


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