September 14, 2013

Liz makes an autumn garland

Today on a whim, I decided to make another garland. As you might know by now, I'm a huge fan of making garlands, even though most of the time I have no idea where to put them. I'm running out of room for them all! Oh well. Anyway, I made this super easy leaf garland today, and here's how you can make it too:
First, get some felt in fall-like colors. If I had some orange, I feel it would have made the garland a butt-load better, but I didn't. I chose tan, brown, brown, brown, dark red and yellow. Cut them in the shape of leaves. I free-hand cut seven of each color.
Now run them all through your sewing machine, one right after the other. You could also do this part by hand, but it would probably take a lot longer.
And that's it! Pretty simple, yeah? I like the way it turned out. It's pretty cute!
Alright, well I'm going to finish watching Mean Girls and eat some ice cream. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. This is such a lovely, fall decoration! I'm giddy for fall! :)

    1. Oh yay! Thank you! I am super giddy for fall myself.

  2. so cute! the leaves on the treas near my house just started to change. This is all getting me even more excited for fall!

  3. Cute! I guess that I didn't realize that it is autumn! I can't wait to make this! I'll have to put it on my things to make list! Thanks!

    <3 summer

    1. It is! Haha. Definitely let me know how yours turns out.


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