July 26, 2013

Guest Post: Emily teaches beginner embroidery

Today, I'm going to feature another lovely woman from the blogging community. Her name is Emily, and she blogs over at Scribbles from Emily. You know, she's totally guest posted before in January! I'll make this introduction short because I just got back from hiking/rock climbing and really need a nap. Have a great day everyone!

Hi all! It’s nice to be back on Liz Makes! If you remember, in January I shared a tutorial for some easy embroidery pillowcases, just in time for Valentines’ Day. One statement I heard from you then and that I hear often is, “That looks amazing, but I don’t know how to embroider!” Let me tell you a secret: embroidery looks much more complicated than it actually is. Seriously! With just a couple stitches under your belt, your can create endless combinations and possibilities. 
For example, the pattern for "Oh Snappy Day" (pictured above) basically uses two stitches: an outline stitch, and a knot. When I was in high school, I enjoyed cross-stitch, but since I taught myself to embroider a year ago, I definitely prefer it. It takes much less time! Here’s a round up of my favorite tutorials for the basic stitches you can use on these patterns.

The Stitches:
·         Backstitch stitch, video tutorial byaglanceatmyworld – your basic outline stitch, essential for most patterns.

·         French Knot, video tutorial by NeedleKnowledge – adds a special detail, and really is quite simple once you get it!

·         Satin stitch, video tutorial by Wendi Gratz – a fill stitch, this stitch gets its name from the satin finish it gives. On my patterns, I don’t do the split stitch first that she talks about, but it is an option.

·         Blanket stitch, this video tutorial demonstrates it well, but this picture tutorial is also helpful – useful for edging a blanket, but also great for unique patterns.

·         Feather stitch, tutorial by Stitch School, video by Video Jug – a decorative stitch for extra pizzazz!
On Monday, one lucky winner will win patterns to all of the embroideries shown in this post. Or if you're impatient, or you think you never win anything, you can go ahead and purchase the patterns in Emily's pattern shop! Personally, I think they're adorable. It's impossible to pick a favorite because they're all so "punny" and cute. I'm off to shower, or take a nap or something. This vacation is wearing me out! :) And if you're wondering, so far I can check off numbers 1, 2 and 4 off of my vacation bucket list!
Have a great day everyone!


  1. SO perfect! I've wanted to start embroidering so this is just what I needed!

    xo, Juliette Laura

    1. Awesome Juliette! I'm glad to hear that, and I'm sure Emily will be glad too!

    2. Yay! I'm so glad this was helpful! Be sure to enter the giveaway next week :)

  2. These are soooo cute! I love the underwater theme and the photos are just lovely, nice and bright and colorful:)

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you'll enter the giveaway on Monday!

    2. I love them too! Hope you enter the giveaway!

  3. these are so cute! i LOVE the sealed with a kiss one :)

    1. Thanks! Hope you enter the giveaway today!

  4. I can't wait to try this! I have been wanting to this this FOREVER! I can't wait to stitch something! Thanks and lovely work!

    <3 summer

    1. Definitely give it a try Summer! Also, if you enter the giveaway today, you'll have a chance of winning all of these patterns!

  5. love this! So cute, and maybe a project I could actually handle!

    1. They're adorable right? Hope you enter the giveaway!

  6. Adding hand embroidery to clothes you already own is a fantastic way to make something old look new again. Designing hand embroidery on clothes takes substantial sewing skills, so be sure you are comfortable with sewing and embroidering before taking on this project and this is really a great work in my diary that you have done.


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